Physical Recycling
Solvent-based processes, with plastics dissolved in solvents, enable the recycling of currently non-recyclable plastic compounds. With the LIST process, polymers can be recovered after selective dissolution. The solvent is gently separated from a polymer solution, the polymer is recovered, and the solvent is condensed. A residual solvent content of less than 300 ppm can be achieved.
Your Task
- Composite Materials
- PS
- Polyester
Our Solution
- Proven technology for separating solvents from solutions and viscous polymer melts
- High product purity, high yields, continuous operation
- Advanced process control:
- Uniform defined shear input for efficient and gentle separation of the solvent to protect the product
- Temperature control through evaporation cooling driven by mechanical dissipation and contact heat
- Homogeneous product temperature and concentrations due to excellent interfacial renewal and mixing
- Fouling-free reactor design and trouble-free continuous discharge of the polymer
- Safe evacuation of the vapors without product entrainment resulting in simple and stable process control
- Extensive testing facilities in our test centers in Switzerland and Korea, for targeted process development
- Industrialization experience for scales up to 10 t/h polymer solution
- interconnected gas headspace, large vapour cross sections
- large heated surface
- fouling-free, self-cleaned
- low shear input, high-residence time
- plug flow design, defined residence time
- viscous discharge
- viscous or solid discharge
- large heated surface
- fouling-free, self cleaned
- robust all-phase design
Optional Repolymerizer
- high viscous discharge
- large heated surfaces
- low vacuum design
- high torque, high IV design
- forced mixing, forced surface renewal
More Information
Contact the author:
Roland Kunkel
Product Manager
T +49 170 2127181